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Image of Youth Impact Global Outreach ministry facility in Kenya

Vocational and Technical Training 

As an organization, we see the establishment of a vocational technical training school in our current facility as key in the initiative for poverty reduction. Our vision is to run a technical school which will in addition to the regular post-secondary school curriculum also provide courses in computer science, metal work and wood work, electrical and horticultural programs, building and construction, mechanic, dressmaking  and hairdressing. The extra training will be for the students to select based on their God-given talents, interests and abilities. The facility will also be available for the community members to enroll in such classes at a cost that will in return be used to upkeep the facility.


Evangelist Samuel Mwangi Ndungu addressing students at Grace primary school

Our Projects

Empowering the Youth and the Community

Computer Lab

Establish a Computer Lab 

At Youth Impact Global Outreach, we see every challenge as a God-given opportunity to ensure that our youth are better prepared for the future. The starting of a computer Lab at our facility will open up our youth to a wide range of possibilities. Currently there is a room which is available that could be used as a computer lab, but renovation needs to be done to bring the potential computer room up to par.
There are a few available desks which could be used to house approximately 12 desk-top computers on the site. A knowledgeable technician would also be needed to do the networking. Additional desktop computers would be a great blessing to the children, some of who have never moved a mouse or touched a computer before. Please consider partnering with us to make this happen for these children.

Library on Site

Library Setup and Book donations

Our students love to read. Unfortunately we do not have an established library at our facility. There is a room which is available and ready to be used as a library, but renovation is needed as well as book shelves, study tables and the necessary equipment. We also need books and lots of them to inspire these children as they develop into future leaders.
As a christian organization, we strive to provide a well-rounded education to our students including enriching them with a sound christian education based on the Bible. Prayerfully consider joining us in providing books and resources for the library.

Contact Youth Impact Global Outreach

Get in touch with Youth Impact Global Outreach to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

Youth Impact Global Outreach, Inc.

10945 State Bridge Road Ste 401 - 271

Alpharetta, GA 30022


(678) 856-9487

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