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Youth Impact Global Outreach

Transforming Generations

Youth Impact Global Outreach is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) registered Christian organization with offices in both the United States and Nakuru, Kenya. At Youth Impact Global Outreach, our mission is to raise funds and champion initiatives that serve those in greatest need. Our goal is to empower underprivileged Kenyan youth from diverse backgrounds by equipping them with the skills and tools needed to lead a more fulfilling life. This includes providing education, technology, access to healthcare, and job-related training. We invite you to join us in supporting our endeavors to make a tangible and positive impact on the lives of others.

Who We Are

Our Vision

At Youth Impact Global Outreach, our sole purpose is to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ, not only in words but also in actions.


Our primary objectives revolve around equipping post-secondary school youth and young adults with the skills and tools necessary for them to lead a more conventional life. We aspire to collaborate with like-minded missions and organizations, offering training programs to Kenyan youth of all ages in various churches, schools, and organizations. Our ultimate aim is to engage in poverty reduction initiatives focused on empowering Kenyan communities where these young adults reside, by introducing income-generating and community development activities.


Our mission includes empowering  youth who have been impoverished due to various circumstances, providing them with the resources needed for a brighter future through education and biblical training. Additionally, we seek to enhance, facilitate, and encourage improvements in evangelism methods by training the young adults and pastors in Kenya and beyond.


 Education & Spiritual Enrichment

Empowering the Youth

At Youth Impact Global Outreach, we empower young adults by providing solid education in a Christ-centered environment. We provide hope for a better tomorrow, not just through education but also through enriching their Christian faith through Biblical training.  Funds are always needed for food, training material and salaries for the workers. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support.

Nurse and Patient

Community Support & Medical Camps

Engaging the Community

Every person that God brings our way becomes family. With access to the right  medical resources, these communities become empowered and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. We endeavor to partner with medical teams and professionals to assist families in the communities that we serve. By serving others, we empower the message of the Gospel of Christ.  With your support, no one will be left behind. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today.

Carpentry Class

Training & Skills Development

Reinforcing Our Commitment

At Youth Impact Global Outreach, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in producing productive self-sufficient citizens and leaders. We strive to offer training not only to the youth but also to the adults in the community.
Self-sufficiency is by no means an easy feat, but through your support and God's empowerment we believe we can facilitate progress in this area. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support.

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

James 1:27

Contact Youth Impact Global Outreach

Get in touch with Youth Impact Global Outreach to learn more about our work as a non profit and how you can get involved.

Need Prayer? Feel free to contact us too.

Youth Impact Global Outreach, Inc.

10945 State Bridge Road Ste 401 - 271

Alpharetta, GA 30022


(678) 856-9487

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